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What's New? 10-20-2019 A PDF article concerning George MacDonald's brother, Charles, written by his descendant, Terry Jenkins, has been added to the "Siblings" page. 03-20-17 "Narnia - Steve Hackett" I uploaded a video to my YouTube account today of Steve Hackett playing his hit song, "Narnia," at the 1980 Montreux Jazz Festival. Fairly good quality. What a great song! 03-20-17 The Works of George MacDonald website has several books by George MacDonald including some of the Scottish works with English translations along with several articles by MacDonald fans and scholars. Well worth looking into. 02-11-16 You can now purchase the DVD of my 50 + minute film on George MacDonald at Amazon here.
06-17-15 I now have The Column of Dust by Evelyn Underhill for sale Amazon in Mobi format.
06-16-15 I now have Magic - A Fantastic Comedy by GK Chesterton available for free in both Mobi and ePub formats for a limited time. (It will be on sale at B&N soon.)
09-10-14 Here's a nice short introduction to George MacDonald by Matthew Bracey that's just become available at the Helwys Society Forum. 01-27-14 I now have Alec Forbes of Howglen in ePub format for sale at B&N for $.99 12-21-13 I finally have Lilith in ePub format for sale at B&N for $.99 06-09-13 I have Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood in epub format and for sale at B&N for $.99.
08-27-12 I have The Portent formatted in epub and for sale at B&N for $.99. 07-09-12 I have a new website to promote my latest business formatting eBooks. The business is called eBook Pioneers. If you know a publisher looking to publish their books electronically or an indie author looking to self publish, I format and create the eBook files for a fee. There's actually quite a bit to it, and there aren't just too many people who know how to do this kind of work. I'm a little cheaper than most. 05-22-12 David Baldwin now has all the voice recordings done for Unspoken Sermons. You can find them as audio downloads at Librivox: Unspoken Sermons Librivox Audio 12-07-11 I finally got around to getting out Father Brown Leftovers. It's now available in epub version only at Barnes & Nobles for $1.99 This is an e-book that contains the three stories which never appeared in the original Father Brown volumes. They were published in magazines instead. Those stories are THE VAMPIRE OF THE VILLAGE, THE MASK OF MIDAS, and FATHER BROWN AND THE DONNINGTON AFFAIR. You can read more about it at the B&N web page for the book: Click here for Father Brown Leftovers at B&N in epub (Nook, Sony, Kobo etc.) format 09-09-11 I now have both Phantastes and Lilith available absolutely free in mobi format for Kindle. I'll have epub versions out soon as well. I think you'll find these far superior to anything else on the web. The formatting is exactly like a book with proper line spaces and indents as well as things like italics, em dashes, page breaks before chapters and so on, and both an internal and external TOC (hyper-linked table of contents). All footnotes are also hyper-linked so you can click straight to them and then simply hit the back button to go back to where you were. Phantastes also has all the illustrations that Arthur Hughes did. Since I have a publishing company now, you'll find sample excerpts at the end to various other books I'm putting out too. I figure it's good advertising for me, and you get free books, so we both win. I'll be making other books available by MacDonald over the coming weeks and months too, so check back from time to time. I have Phantastes formatted in epub and for sale at B&N for $.99. 07-05-11 Someone has posted the film--The Lost Patrol--in its entirety on the web. The film is based on a book by Philip MacDonald called Patrol. I placed a link to it on the page here called "Children." I'll also post it here. 11-25-10 David Baldwin has been making audio recordings of MacDonald's Unspoken Sermons for some time now and hopes to do them all eventually. He has a YouTube Channel where you can listen to them for free. He's also made outlines and annotations of the sermons as he's been going along. I'm happy to host them here on a special page I've made for Unspoken Sermons. 11-25-09 I started blogging again recently. There will only be occasional articles there. How anyone finds time to blog everyday I'll never know. 10-06-09 Dale Slusser's book, In the Near Loss Of Everything, is now shipping. The work covers the life of George MacDonald's son, Ronald MacDonald, focusing on his time spent in America as a schoolmaster and the tragic death of his first wife. No stone unturned on this one. 05-31-09 You may have noticed that I don't have a links section at this site. There are a couple of reasons for this. There aren't many sites about MacDonald out there for one, and of the few there are, many are terribly maintained with dead links everywhere. I will recommend one site however. That is Barbara Amell's Wingfold. Actually it's not so much a website as a couple of web pages giving information about her Wingfold quarterly publication, a small magazine-like format that covers all things MacDonald four times per year. You'll find several items in it about MacDonald that you won't find in any book such as copies of sermons he gave, unpublished letters, and sometimes articles MacDonald wrote for newspapers and magazines that have been long forgotten. Highly recommended! 05-20-2009 I've finally finished my film on George MacDonald. You can watch it at YouTube in it's entirety. Just click on this link, and it will take you to my YouTube playlist for the movie which is split into eight parts because YouTube restricts movies to no more than ten minutes each. The film is 51-minutes in length. If you'd like a free DVD of it, just drop me a note with your address, and ask for it. There's no cost, and I won't share your address with anyone else. 03-20-2009 I have finally gotten around to putting together a CD of all four of the only known audio recordings by G.K. Chesterton. You can buy it now here at CDBaby, and it should be available at most online retailers within another week or so. 12-30-2008 This has nothing to do with the GMD website particularly, but I wanted to make you aware that I've put up some web pages about manuscript preparation for publisher submissions. There's precious little info on the internet that includes any real-life samples so you can actually see what the pages should look like when properly formatted. The examples used all come from my book on MacDonald. I also go over cover letters. 12-12-2008 I've finally got around to revising the section on GMD's son, Ronald (Children link), after receiving some new information from Dale Slusser in the fall. Dale has a biography on Ronald MacDonald which hopefully will start printing in the coming year from Zossima Press. Much of the information we've seen about Ronald so far seems to have been inaccurate in several details. I don't believe the book has a title yet, but I'll post the details here when I know. Dale has also uncovered a few very nice photos of Ronald taken in the USA where he taught school for several years. Also, the Brander Library in Huntly, Aberdeenshire now has possession of several original MS by GMD. They've placed a few pages at random here and there online that you can view. These were mostly written in GMD's own hand. The George MacDonald Collection. 9-26-2008 I just wanted to leave a link here to Patrick Maiwald's new book on George MacDonald: The Journey in George MacDonald's Fantastic Fiction. It's put out by a German Publisher but is written in English. Whereas I devoted most of my book on Lilith and Phantastes, Pat also writes about several of MacDonald's shorter fairytales that have been often neglected by other commentators. I like this book quite a bit. 6-27-2008 Fixed a few grammatical problems on some pages today. Also added a link on the C.S. Lewis page to a nice website concerning his ancestry. 2-07-2008 Reviews for my book on GMD are finally starting to come out. A couple of the reviews are posted here. 1-08-2008 I have a regular YouTube Channel now. This isn't really a GMD channel, although there no doubt will be more videos about him and his teachings in the future. The latest video was added yesterday on the very touchy subject of fundamentalism. It's a 2-part video. Feel free to leave a comment at YouTube if you're a member, but please watch both parts before you do. |
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